
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Buff/Golden
Coat Length: Long/Groomed
House-Trained: Yes
Characteristics: Demanding and Bossy.
Health Details: Heart-worm Neg. Spayed
Compatibility in a home with…Assertive owner
Ellie came to us horribly obese and was an only dog for 5 years. She did live with a cat. Even though we have her here with other dogs she would prefer to be the only one. She has lost 22 pounds and is doing great on Raw Whole Foods. She loves Bones & Co., AllProvide and Dr. Harvey’s Paradigm. Her previous owner allowed her to demand treats and food and old habits are hard to overcome but we simply do not give in! She plays and we have had her with children age 6 and older. Loves leash walks, golf cart rides, and is good for the groomer.
Requires regular grooming.